Vitamin Bounty
Rebranding & Packaging


Packaging brand refresh: As both an
e-commerce and retail-ready brand, Vitamin Bounty differs over competing supplement brands with a refreshed approach to support everyone's unique and personal journey, making it easier with their supplements and vitamins. Rather than being product focused, the change became more about supporting every lifestyle. Within the course of 4-12 months the refreshed packaging launches were accepted for shelf-ready retail.

Digest On Keto.jpg

The Role

To assist in the brand refresh of all creative for digital, web, mobile, print and packaging for e-commerce and major retailers (HEB, CVS, RiteAid) and e-commerce (Amazon), as well as the entire brand strategy, highlighting differentiation over competitors at similar price points through a refreshed brand strategy.



To strengthen and develop the visual identity, through assisting the creation of a refreshed brandmark usage and brand identity, brand core messaging and ethos, assisted with complete packaging redesign concepts and refreshing existing packaging, new product launches, social media and more!


Unique Brand Positioning

Transitioning into your everyday brand, Vitamin Bounty has repositioned itself as an affordable, robust private label brand differing from other supplement brand portfolios with a persona of a magical, everyday experience. A series of new collateral, brand strategy and visual guides (product photography, mood boards, ideal target audience, etc). was launched to incorporate additional branding elements to the products, as well as a full refresh to the social media strategies for all marketing and branded material to promote a larger reach and audience group.

Lead designer & assisted in booth setup for the Vitamin Bounty’s tradeshow design for Total Store Expo 2019 (more product-focused design was chosen, highlighting the new and growing Keto products portfolio).


Oh My Gouda